Just a reminder—I’m requiring four visits to the Writing and Communication Center (Writing Lab) this semester. If you space them out over the 15-week semester, that means you should be scheduling your second visit very soon because this is the end of the fifth week. We’re really getting into winter now, and weather, sickness, and car problems are starting to cause trouble, but fortunately you can do a Writing Lab visit from home. Here’s how: Set up your account with the Writing Lab if you haven’t done it yet. (You only need to do this before the first visit.) Go to the schedule page to set up your appointment. One of the possible options is to do the appointment through the Internet (very useful if you are under quarantine, but you don’t really need a special excuse). Keep the appointment. The Lab people inform me by email when you have completed a visit, and I will give you credi...
Curtis Allen's English 100 class at Ashland University