I’m sitting in a coffee shop in downtown Mansfield, writing this blog. I thought you would like to look over my shoulder and see how I actually write things. I like to write in the morning because my mind seems clearer and I can start the day with a feeling of accomplishment. So here I sit with my fountain pen and a notebook. No computer. Sometimes a coffee shop patron will ask me what I’m doing—writing with a fountain pen and plain paper must seem like performing brain surgery with a butter knife. But one of the other regulars is a young woman who spends her time filling her notebook with excellent pencil drawings. At least two of us have escaped the computer trap. Today’s blog had its genesis on Monday’s bike ride. As I rode from Mount Vernon to Centerburg, I asked myself what you would like to hear. What would help you in your own writing career? Lots of ideas came and went, but I kept coming back to the basic writing process. Of course, riding a bicyc...
Curtis Allen's English 100 class at Ashland University