I set up this blog to help you ease into the new world of Ashland University and our English class—sort of a low-intensity introduction.
The material which follows will be a mix: some “Nuts & Bolts” stuff about managing college life, some personal observations and ideas, and some specific details about our course. I’ll keep the blog going after the semester begins, so this can continue to be an informal conversation.
College is an incredibly big adjustment—almost like moving to a foreign country. I’d like to help you make that move as gracefully as possible.
A few details about this blog
- This isn’t an official AU site, and everything here is my own opinion. Because it’s not an AU site, anybody on the Internet can read it, so if you have a friend who is in another English class—perhaps even in another college—I have no problem with you sharing the address.
- The blog software puts the newest items at the top, but you can still read older items that have fallen off the opening page. Just click MORE POSTS at the bottom. Or you can click the thing that looks like three little lines ☰ at the top right to search for older posts by key word or by topic.
- You should expect something new here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- I have enabled comments on the posts, but comments will be moderated, so if you write something, it won’t appear for a while.
- I’ll be sending out weekly reminders to your AU email address because there’s a lot of coming and going in the class roster during the few weeks before class begins and I want to catch the newcomers.
Welcome to our class
—Curtis Allen
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